Oh Baby!

Well I never said I was good at cryptic post titles…

That’s right, eight days ago I got exactly what we had been (semi) patiently waiting for…a positive pregnancy test! Last Wednesday, I felt a wee bit of nausea when I started brushing my teeth. It actually got me a little excited, and the next morning, December 22nd, I eagerly woke up to take the test. Fairly quickly, the second line faintly emerged indicating that I was in fact, pregnant! I got Lance out of bed and showed it to him. He took a quick glance and said “what, your not pregnant.” Over the next minute the line continued to darken and he realized that he was wrong. With his parents arriving to celebrate Christmas the next day, we knew it was time to hide our excitement for a while. Using the online calculator, our due date is August 29th. Hoping for a happy and healthy next 35 weeks and that we get to meet our little one at the end of August!